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Open Dropdown Menus To Left

By default the sub-menus menus for the pre-header and main header menus will open to the right of the page. For sites with long sub-menu titles, this may result in the menu not fully appearing on the page. To correct this, you can force the sub-menus in the dropdown menus to open to the left as opposed to the right.

To force sub-menus to open to the left follow the steps below:

  • In the WordPress admin area go to Appearance -> Menus and select the menu you want to modify.
  • Expand the the top level menu item for the dropdown you can.
  • In the field CSS Classes (optional) add the class align-rtl.
  • Save the menu.

If the field CSS Classes (optional) is not showing then follow the steps below to enable the field:

  • Scroll to the top of the menus page and expand the “Screen Options” tab.
  • Place a tick in the “CSS Classes” checkbox field”.
  • Close the “Screen Options” tab. The class field will now be available in each menu item.

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