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Creating Multiple Testimonial Pages

A number of our themes can be used to create pages for the testimonials you would like to showcase on you website. If you have multiple testimonial categories, you can also create more than one testimonial page if you choose. To create a testimonial page please follow the steps below.

Firstly pages for each individual testimonial will need to be added to your site. The testimonials page will then pull the individual testimonial information to create the testimonials page.

  • To add a testimonial go to Testimonials and press Add New.
  • From here firstly assign a featured image for the testimonial. This will be the image used for the testimonial on the testimonials page. It will not be output on the testimonial page.
  • The content displayed on the main testimonials page, and for any other related content (i.e. shortcodes, page builder modules) will be taken from the testimonial excerpt.
  • Add the content that you would like displayed on the testimonial page for this individual testimonial to the excerpt field.
  • Now you can add content the main area as normal using either the native WordPress editor or the page builder. Any content added will be displayed on the individual testimonial page, not the main testimonials page.
  • Before saving the testimonial page ensure any relevant tags are assigned to the testimonials. This will allow for multiple testimonial pages to be created. You can assign as many tags as you like. (e.g. Customers).
  • Continue to add more individual testimonials repeating the steps above for each.

Once each individual testimonial page has been added, next a testimonials page will need to be created. By default all of your testimonials will display at the url http://www.YOUR-SITE.com/testimonials. Creating a testimonials page using the instructions below allows for greater control over the content displayed, and can also be used to create multiple testimonials pages.

  • To create the testimonials page go to Pages -> All Pages and press Add New.
  • Add a title to the page, the one you would like displayed on the testimonials page (e.g. Customers).
  • Scroll down the page to “Page Attributes” and select the “Testimonials” template from the dropdown list.
  • To assign specific testimonials to this testimonials page add tags to the page which have the same name as the testimonial tags you want to include.
  • For example if you want to include all testimonials that have the tag “Customers” then the tag “Customers” will need to be added to this page. Multiple tags can be assigned. All individual testimonials that match any of the tags will be displayed on the testimonials page.
  • By default the settings applied to the testimonial page (e.g. layout, project information) will be picked up from the main theme options panel under the Special Pages tab in the Testimonials section. To apply settings specific to this testimonial page please use the in-page testimonials options panel.

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