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Change Font Size (Featured Content)

Minamaze Pro comes with a pre-made featured section on the homepage. The font sizes in this section are the same as other text areas across the site. However, some users may want to change the font size within the featured content areas without impact text elsewhere on their website.

If you only want to target this area without impacting other areas in the theme then you’ll need to use custom css. Please add the following custom css to your site using a child theme or directly from the theme options panel under General Settings -> Custom CSS:

To change the heading font size:

#section-home h3 {
font-size: 10px !important;

To change the text front size:

#section-home {
font-size: 10px !important;

Note: Please change the value of 10px to one of your choice.

Want to change the font size across your entire site (include the featured content areas)? This can be achieved directly from the Typography section of the theme options panel. The following knowledge base article provides instructions on how to do this:

Knowledge Base – Change Font Size

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