Performance Graph

The graph below shows your affiliate performance during the current period. This information can be really useful in learning more about how your affiliate campaign is doing, and also how it can be improved if needed. You can also filter the graph to toggle between stats over the current month or current year.

[affiliates_affiliate_graph interval=”month”]

[affiliates_affiliate_graph interval=”year”]

Performance Stats

The table below shows your affiliate performance during the current month. Along with the accepted and closed referrals. You can also filter between any dates you choose to see a breakdown of performance over the given time period.


[affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes=”paypal_email” edit_attributes=”paypal_email” /]



Please note that we will issue all payments to your PayPal account. By default we will assume that your PayPal account email address is the email address you used when registering.

If you would like to use a different email address for all PayPal payments please update your ‘PayPal Email‘ on the left.

Adding one of our banners to your site is so easy. Simple download the affiliate banner package here. Then upload the image to your website and add the code below. Simply change the text IMAGE LINK to the url of the image on website. When a user visits our site from yours by clicking the banner we’ll track their visit. If they buy a theme or join the membership package within 30 days we will credit the sale to your affiliate account.

<a href="[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]"><img src="IMAGE LINK" alt="Premium WordPress Themes" /></a>

[button4 size=”large” color=”blue_light” link=””%5DDownload Banners[/button4]

Banner size: 728px x 90px:

Banner size: 468px x 60px:

Banner size: 336px x 280px:

Banner size: 250px x 250px:

Banner size: 300px x 250px:

Banner size: 120px x 600px:

Banner size: 160px x 600px:

Adding one of our text links to your site is so easy. Simply copy the affiliate code and paste this on your webpage. You can change the text to whatever you like. When a user visits our site from yours by clicking the text link we’ll track their visit. If they buy a theme or join the membership package within 30 days we will credit the sale to your affiliate account.

Target Page Link Text Affiliate Code
Homepage Awesome WordPress Themes <a href="[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]">Awesome WordPress Themes</a>
Pricing WordPress Theme Club <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>WordPress Theme Club</a>
Alante Alante WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Alante WordPress Theme</a>
Minamaze Minamaze WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Minamaze WordPress Theme</a>
Engrave Engrave WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Engrave WordPress Theme</a>
Evolution Evolution WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Evolution WordPress Theme</a>
Tuxedo Tuxedo WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Tuxedo WordPress Theme</a>
Smart Smart WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Smart WordPress Theme</a>
Metalz Metalz WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Metalz WordPress Theme</a>
Sticker Sticker WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Sticker WordPress Theme</a>
Minimal Minimal WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Minimal WordPress Theme</a>
Opaque Opaque WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Opaque WordPress Theme</a>
Power Power WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Power WordPress Theme</a>
Fresh Fresh WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Fresh WordPress Theme</a>
Blockade Blockade WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Blockade WordPress Theme</a>
Sleek Sleek WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Sleek WordPress Theme</a>
Misteek Misteek WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Misteek WordPress Theme</a>
Suitz Suitz WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Suitz WordPress Theme</a>
Grouped Grouped WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Grouped WordPress Theme</a>
Office Office WordPress Theme <a href=”[affiliates_url][/affiliates_url]”>Office WordPress Theme</a>